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Since October 1996, parents who have participated in our Academy’s Gift Card/Tuition Voucher program have accumulated in excess of $350,000 towards their tuition expense! Additionally, our school has earned over $240,000 during that 20-year period.
Here’s how the program works: our Academy purchases the gift cards through a national organization at a discounted rate. We also purchase gift cards from local retailers. We sell the cards to you at face value. We then pass part of the savings on to you in the form of a tuition voucher, and the remainder is kept for the school. Vouchers can be redeemed and used towards registration fees, Book & Lab fees, tuition and fundraising fees. Vouchers can also be applied to your favorite Neumann club (Drama, Ac Dec, OM, Spirit Club, etc.) or sport.
You buy from us: $100.00 Giant gift card
We paid: $95.00 but sell it to you at face value
You earn: $3.00 in tuition vouchers
School earns: $2.00
This method of both fundraising and tuition assistance has unlimited potential for you as a parent and for our Academy. We ask you sincerely to consider using this form of tuition assistance and fundraising as part of your commitment to St. John Neumann Regional Academy. The order form simple to use. Here are some helpful hints:
Fill out your pertinent information at the top
Fill out the quantity of gift cards you would like to receive next to the appropriate store/restaurant.
If you want to drop off your order, make out your check payable to “SJNRA”, place the order form and your check in an envelope and bring it to the high school campus anytime. We will call or email you when your order is filled.
If you have children at our Elementary or High School campuses, simply send your order form and payment into the Main Office. We will fill the order, and send it home with your student.
If you have a special need for an excessive amount of gift cards from a particular store or restaurant, please give us a week’s notice and we will be happy to accommodate you. Call 570.323.9953 for more information.
Please consider using this worthwhile program to save money on your tuition. With your participation in this important program, we can continue to make our Catholic school stronger and better than ever!

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